The Hidden Beauty of Intentional Solitude: Aloneness vs. Loneliness for Digital Nomads

Ever been in a crowd but felt utterly alone? And then, in moments of solitude, experienced a profound sense of fulfilment and joy?

Yeah, we’ve been there too.

In a world that thrives on constant connectivity and bustling social interactions, the idea of being alone might send shivers down your spine. We often associate solitude with loneliness, but what if we told you that being alone doesn’t have to be such a gloomy affair

Keep reading to explore the difference between loneliness and aloneness, and to gain a different perspective on being alone.

Loneliness vs. Aloneness: What's the Scoop?  

Alright, let’s set the record straight: there’s a world of difference between loneliness and aloneness, they're like two distant cousins.  

What's the difference?

Aloneness is all about your physical state – it’s when you find yourself without company, and that’s totally cool! The state of being alone is not bad nor good, it’s just a state of being.

Loneliness on the other hand, is a feeling. It’s that sense of disconnection from the people around you. It’s a feeling most people associate with being on their own (aloneness), but ironically you could be in a room with a group of people you know and feel completely lonely, and it really, really sucks!

It doesn’t matter how many people you know or are around, it’s about the quality of the connections you forge with people and yourself!

Whether or not your “aloneness” is a positive or negative state of being all boils down to one thing: intentional solitude.


So, here’s the deal: loneliness, that unwanted intruder, brings along a sense of unhappiness and a desperate yearning to escape the emotional pain it inflicts.


Intentional solitude is the total opposite – it’s like your personal retreat, where you consciously choose to step away from the hustle and bustle, allowing yourself to revel in a moment of solitude.

Alone, but definitely not lonely.

Types of Loneliness

Turns out, loneliness comes in different flavours, like an emotional ice cream sundae. According to the ‘Campaign to End Loneliness’ three are 3 main forms of loneliness:


1.    Emotional loneliness: This is felt when there’s an absence of meaningful relationships in your life. Think of this as the absence of those heart-to-heart connections that make life sweet. It’s like missing the warm hug of a true friend or the laughter shared with your favourite people.

2.    Social loneliness: this comes about when the quality of your social connections is ‘mehhh’. It’s that feeling of being stuck in the “lame party zone”. You're craving meaningful connections but feel like something’s missing in your social circle.  

3.    Existential loneliness: This one’s a heavy one. It’s when you feel like you’re completely disconnected from not only the people in your life, but even from the life you're living.

The Benefits of Intentional Solitude

1.    Self-reflection and personal growth

In the quiet cocoon of intentional solitude, you have the space to reflect on yourself. It’s like having a personal think-tank where you can dive into your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without any interruptions. This me-time becomes the ultimate catalyst for your personal growth. You’ll uncover areas for improvement and get to know yourself on a deeper level – your values, dreams, and aspirations will come into sharp focus.

2.    Creativity unleashed:
When you step away from external distractions and expectations, your creative juices flow freely. Intentional solitude becomes a fertile ground for generating new ideas, artistic expressions, and innovative solutions. You become the master of your creative universe!

3.    Reduced stress and anxiety:
Intentional solitude is your secret weapon for escaping the everyday madness! You carve out moments of quiet and stillness – no hustle, no bustle – just you and yourself. It’s like a mini vacation for your mind! Your stress levels take a nosedive, and your mind gets to hit the reset button. Suddenly, the challenges in your life don’t seem so daunting anymore – they shrink to a manageable size.

4.    Enhanced focus, productivity and decision-making
Get ready to unleash your productivity ninja skills! With fewer interruptions, you’ll be able to not only concentrate on tasks and projects with undivided attention, it provides the mental space to consider decisions carefully. So, embrace the quiet, embrace to solitude, and watch your productivity skyrocket!

Take the time to get to know yourself and watch yourself forge deep meaningful relationships.

5.    Physical and emotional recharge
Ah, intentional solitude, the magic elixir for emotional rejuvenation! When you consciously choose moments of solitude, you open the door to a powerful emotional recharge. It’s a time where your only priority is yourself and all your energy can go towards taking care of your physical and mental wellbeing.  

6.    Deeper connections
So here’s the deal, when you take that solo adventure into intentional solitude, you get to know yourself like never before. And guess what? That deep self-awareness makes you more emotionally intelligent, which means not only will you be to pick up on the vibes and needs of those around you, but you’ll also have a deeper understanding of the kinds of people and relationships that feeds you or drains you.

7.    Increased independence
Embracing intentional solitude fosters a sense of self-reliance and independence. You become comfortable with your own company, valuing your thoughts, and finding satisfaction in your own accomplishments.

Embracing Solitude as a Digital Nomad


For the adventurous digital nomad, intentional solitude becomes the ultimate secret weapon for finding balance in the ever-changing landscape of social connections. It’s all about properly utilising and savouring that positive aloneness – whether you're unplugging from the world to do absolutely nothing or embarking on a quest of self-discovery and connection.


Intentional solitude offers a sacred space to explore the ‘whys’ of your emotions.

Why are you feeling disconnected and lonely?

What’s missing in your relationships with other people, or even yourself?

It gives you a moment to reflect, delve deep, and uncover the root of those feelings. It’s like a personal detective mission, guiding you towards understanding and self-awareness.

Intentional solitude doesn’t have to be boring! Read a book, have fun in nature (safely), and find out what brings you inner joy.

As digital nomads, you travel the world and get to experience different cultures and activities. This gives you the opportunity to experiment with different ways of experiencing intentional solitude in a way that suits you best! Test the waters – perhaps you find bliss in meditative solo hikes through nature, or lose yourself in a good book at a cosy seaside café. Find what sparks that inner joy, peace, and fulfilment for you.


BUT keep your eyes peeled for the flip side of aloneness … where disconnection takes root and intentional solitude turns into social isolation.

We're social creatures, after all, and our survival dances to the beat of interactions and connections. So, let intentional solitude be your cozy hideaway, but never forget to weave those social threads into your life. It's all about finding that perfect balance, my friend!


So, find your balance, celebrate your own company, and forge meaningful connections with those you meet along your journey!

Ready to balance your “me-time” with some meaningful social interaction? Jump on board for our next Remote9 adventure!


Digital Nomadism: A Path to Freedom for Outsiders?