Digital Nomadism: A Path to Freedom for Outsiders?

Have you ever felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole? Maybe you're a bit of a misfit, or perhaps you've always felt like you're on the outside looking in, forever destined to be a black sheep.

You’re definitely not alone.

Many people experience what's known as "outsider syndrome," a feeling of being disconnected or out of place, and for some, digital nomadism can be an attractive solution.

What Is Outsider Syndrome?

Outsider syndrome, also known as outsider complex or impostor syndrome, is a term used to describe the feeling of not belonging or being disconnected from the people around you.

It can stem from a variety of factors: being from a different culture, being a non-native speaker of the language, or just having different interests or experiences than those around you. Whatever the cause, it can be a difficult feeling to shake!

Outsider syndrome can manifest in different ways, like feeling shy or socially awkward. It can also result in a feeling of restlessness or a desire to seek out new experiences and environments where you might feel more at home.

Digital nomads exploring Iceland together, laptops in hand!

What Is Digital Nomadism?

Digital nomadism is a lifestyle that involves working remotely while travelling the world, spending anywhere from a few days to a few months in one location before moving on to the next.
If you spot someone lounging on a Thai beach, soaking up the sun and scrolling through their laptop screen at noon on a random Wednesday in February, chances are they're a digital nomad.
One day you could be working by a fire, hiding from the cold, in a lodge in Iceland, and the next day you could be working in a café on the warm beaches of Thailand.

Some digital nomads work independently, while others work for remote companies or freelance for clients around the world. The sky’s the limit, but in this case the limit is good internet connection!

Why Do ‘Outsiders’ Become Digital Nomads?

For anyone feeling like they're on the outside looking in, digital nomadism can be a total game-changer!

Once you dive into the world of digital nomads, you’ll quickly realise that many of them really just wanted to say “Adios!” to the daily 9-5 grind.  But here’s the twist: it goes deeper than that. For those of us who've felt like outsiders, it's all about ditching a life that didn't quite seem to fit.

People who feel like outsiders are often drawn to digital nomadism because it offers a chance to escape the usual norms and find their own tribe. It's like breaking free from the cookie-cutter life and diving into a world where you can connect with people who just “get” you.

It's like finding a secret handshake society where being unique is celebrated, acceptance is the norm, and the world becomes your playground.

There’s no better feeling than finding people who would join you in doing things other people would call you crazy for!

How does Digital Nomadism help you find your tribe?

Digital nomadism is like having the key to freedom and independence.

Working remotely gives digital nomads the power to design their own schedules, giving a big ol' thumbs up to work-life balance. You don't have to conform to traditional office norms or societal expectations.

Who needs awkward 4pm office drinks on Thursdays when you can spend your after work time surfing instead? Having the freedom to spend your time off surfing, hiking, doing yoga etc will give you the opportunity to meet and connect with people who love the same activities!
That way your can share your morning flow routine with a fellow yogi and bond over your shared love for breathing.

The best part is, in today’s digital era, finding your tribe and staying connected is a breeze, thanks to technology!

Even while you're out there living your nomadic dreams, you can still keep those virtual hangouts and nurture the incredible community and tribe you've built along the way. With a few taps and clicks, you're plugged into the pulse of your digital nomad family, a support system that spans the globe.

Is Digital Nomadism the Solution to Outsider Syndrome?

Let’s keep it real, while digital nomadism can be a great way to cope with outsider syndrome, it's not a magic cure-all.

Sure, being a digital nomad opens up a world of opportunities to meet new people and to march to the beat of your own drum. But the truth is, sometimes, those feelings of being an outsider and feeling disconnected and lonely still lingers.

Let's face it, the transient nature of the nomadic lifestyle can sometimes even amplify those feelings, and even leave you craving deeper connections and a sense of belonging.

Although technology has made it so much easier, constantly moving from place to place means that building, and maintaining, long-lasting connections can be a bit trickier.

Try out some of your local clubs to meet people with the same interests as you.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Digital nomadism is just one approach to find your own unique path and tribe. But if you try it out and it doesn’t quite hit the spot for you, don’t sweat it!

There’s a whole buffet of other options out there to tackle your outsider syndrome. You can try new hobbies, join local clubs, or volunteer.

So, don't put all your eggs in one digital nomad basket. Keep an open mind, be adventurous, and explore all the avenues that can help address those feelings of being on the outside.

It's all about finding what works for YOU!

Want to learn more about the pros & cons of being a digital nomad? Read our blog here!

If you want to test out a digital nomadic lifestyle, come and join one of Remote 9’s co-working road trips.
Make remote work an adventure while connecting on a deeper level with a community of like-minded, inspiring humans.


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